Saturday, December 22, 2007

Say, How Does One Become a Carriage Horse Driver?

The New Yorker asked this question in 2006, following the particularly grisly death of a carriage horse. The horse, Spotty, had gotten spooked before galloping into a station wagon on Ninth Avenue at 50th Street. Ironically, this tragedy happened near the site of the old American Horse Exchange. The writer, Lauren Collins, acknowledged that the sight of a dead horse on a New York City avenue evoked a throwback to the brutish era of Boss Tweed. Anyway, Ms. Collins set out to determine what a prospective carriage driver needs to do to acquire a license. A home-study course was said to be required, although Ms. Collins didn't find evidence of any such course. A money order in the amount of $25 came in handy, though...
Read "From Here to There: Municipal Velvet." Published January 16, 2006.


Elizabeth Forel said...

Very nice site. this is not for posting but a clarification. The web site for the Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages is The one you have listed is no longer current since we have combined our two web sites. Thanks.

sorry4myfault said...

Thank you, Elizabeth! The link now reflects the new URL.