Saturday, June 14, 2008

Political entrenchment 101

Why haven't horse-drawn carriages been banned, you ask?
Many thoughtful, rational residents find it incomprehensible that New York City still allows horse-drawn carriages on the streets and ignores the inherent dangers, to say nothing of the inherent cruelty of this industry. And it is an industry, complete with profit margins and difficult decisions about when the "equipment" has outlived its usefulness. Some, like Bud (pictured), are casualties of the job itself.

For those who are new to this issue, perhaps a review is in order. There are some shameful connections between those who supposedly would reform this cash industry and those who are profiting from it. Among them, Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Linda Gibbs, a Bloomberg appointee who oversees the Dept of Health, is married to lobbyist Thomas McMahon, whose lone associate in his firm, Jean Kim, is lobbying for the carriage horse industry. Gibbs' brother-in-law also has been representing the carriage industry. Does this seem right?
As you can see, efforts at meaningful reform are doomed to fail--a complete joke. Then there's the corrupt Christine Quinn, speaker of the City Council and renowned animal-hater, who scares away any council members who would support the bill to ban horse-drawn carriages. Just run a Google search of "Christine Quinn slush fund" and read about some of her recent shenanigans.
Take Action! Call City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and tell her that you support a ban on horse-drawn carriages, a measure that is endorsed by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Humane Society of the United States, to name a few organizations. You'll speak with an aide, no doubt, as Quinn will probably be on the phone with her $600-an-hour lawyer.
Not a New York City resident? Call anyway!


Anonymous said...

Why is Quinn still in the council? She should have been voted out? She is the worst thing that happened to NYC. What is worst is that she is using her homosexuality to excuse her misdeeds. She is a disgrace to Women, Homosexual, and basically to the Human Race. Term limits please rid us of this witch.

sorry4myfault said...

Anonymous, thank you! I couldn't have said it better myself.

I'll be writing a little tribute to Quinn in the near future.