Friday, October 24, 2008

No horse is unspookable

No shortage of news lately about horses spooking. Too many to recount, but here are a few. In Portsmouth, R.I., horses spooked and the carriage overturned, injuring 4 people. A carriage driver in Charleston, S.C., was injured after a carriage horse spooked and ran between two parked cars, throwing the driver from the seat. And a debacle last week in the UK, when a horse-drawn carriage carrying a coffin overturned after two horses spooked and bolted before crashing into cars. Three people were injured, including the horseman and his son. In Pennsylvania, a buggy driver was killed in a non-spooking accident when a pickup truck struck the buggy from behind. And some visitors to New York City blogged recently about the "craziest" part of their trip, when the horse-drawn carriage in which they were riding was rear-ended by an SUV. What are the chances? Well, quite high, since the horses travel up to 4 miles daily in heavy traffic to and from their stables, the southernmost of which is on 37th Street.
Photo: Aftermath of the funeral procession that came to a shuddering halt in Ipswich, England after 2 horses spooked.

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