Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Springtime: a hard rain's a-gonna fall

Tuesday was a washout, with an on-again, off-again chilly rain. The photo was taken during a brief respite in the drizzle. This poor guy was out in the rain, shivering and looking miserable, although the "hack line" was closed, as you can see and as authorities confirmed. The horse looked unwell, and the hack line was shut down--but there he is. The driver? He was dressed in foul-weather gear, seeking shelter nearby. Keep in mind, this photo was shot during a break in the rain.

Does this seem right to you? Seems wrong to me. The line was closed for a reason: this was a gray, rainy day. New York's "acid rain" isn't that great on the eyeballs, either. The horse was soaked; its veins looked prominent, I guess because of the blustery chill in the air. It makes me feel sick just to look at it and remember what a mess my own commute was. (OK, my feet were wet and my umbrella not that great, but nothing like this horse's day). A soupy day also heightens the traffic risks.

PLEASE TAKE ACTION. Let your City Council member know that you vote--and you support a ban on horse-drawn carriages. Please ask your lawmaker to co-sponsor this landmark legislation. It is fully supported by the ASPCA, the Humane Society of the United States, and dozens of other animal welfare organizations. But your voice must be heard at City Hall if this measure is to move ahead. Please don't assume that your voice does not matter: that is a dangerous assumption.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.--Mahatma Gandhi


Anonymous said...

There is no oversight of these horses. What a travesty for the horses and for the image of NYC that it is a city that condones cruelty. Majority of New Yorkers support a Ban on this industry but there seems to be something rotten in the Council. why else does the city council not adhere to the ASPCA support for the ban.

sorry4myfault said...

Thank you for commenting.

Something is rotten in the City Council...you got that right! It is incomprehensible that the city condones this inhumane industry, despite the urging of the ASPCA and the Humane Society of the United States to end it now.