Saturday, August 2, 2008

Once more, slowly

For the benefit of today's reporters and editors
Things are getting worse for the carriage horses of New York City, and a collective apathy among those in the news media isn't helping.

It's been nearly a year since city Comptroller William C. Thompson released an audit that detailed a litany of problems within the carriage industry and a series of tactical failures among the organizations that would regulate it.

Little has changed, and reform won't be likely, given the obvious conflict of interest that stands in the way. The woman whose fingerprints are all over this is Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Linda Gibbs, whose department is responsible for oversight of the carriage industry. Ms. Gibbs has strong and numerous family ties to carriage industry lobbyists, a circumstance that represents an obvious conflict of interest. This is being investigated by the Conflict of Interest Board.

How long will the real story of New York City's carriage horses be ignored by the news media? Showbiz gossip reigns supreme, apparently. This is the era of Brangelina and Britney. Right? "All the news that's fit to print" has become "All the entertainment news that fits!" Reporters (journalists?) now apparently get away with merely editorializing and publishing news releases that have been provided by those paid to represent business interests. It's kind of embarrassing. Who needs a newspaper? I'll just read PR Newswire.
What Does the City Audit Say


Anonymous said...

do you think Dog Tags are appropriate? You are merchandising and trivializing the cruelty of these horses. Furthermore, How do you know if the money does go to the HORSES????? I do wonder where the money goes.

sorry4myfault said...

The dog tags are available to anyone who makes a small donation to the Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages. They are not for sale.

Any meager proceeds that the tags have generated thus far are used solely to support the ongoing and tireless work of the coalition. For example, to defray costs of printing petitions to send to the City Council and to lawmakers.

The carriage industry should make its own dog tags, perhaps with the motto: "Accidents Happen!" (Kudos to the person who suggested this).

Check out the videos on YouTube that show the horse-drawn cruelty at its worst.

Anonymous said...

If readers would like further information on the NYC Comptroller's audit which discusses how NYC must improve oversight of the carriage-horse industry, please visit