Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ian McKeever

Aye, that's a good laddie. I just like saying his name.
Ian McKeever's stables are looking a little different these days (at least from the outside). I can't quite put my finger on what the transformation is. I'll have to think on that.

The ever-articulate Mr. McKeever is an erstwhile spokesman for the industry, from the days before the golden-tongued Ms. Daly signed on to be a spokeswoman. It could be said that they're cut from the same bolt. In this blethering New York Post article from October 2007, Mr. McKeever calls the activists "extremists" and "idiots." Ms. Daly's word of choice is "extremist." She likes this word a lot.

You know the way that journalists and late-night comics love George W. Bush? I love Ian and Carolyn.

In seriousness, the players are inconsequential except for the horses.
Support Intro. 658, the bill to ban horse-drawn carriages in New York City.

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